We celebrated Earth Day by planting two new bushes and seeding the grass.  The kiddos had a lot of fun picking out the new plants and helping daddy plant them.  We wore our swimsuits because it was hot and we jumped in the pool right after our hard work!  :)   
I know this post is over a week late - but we had a blessed Easter.  I serve in Sunday School for the 3-6 year olds at 8 am every other week.  Turns out this year Easter was my week.  There usually are ~ 8 kids at that early service - however on Easter there were 28!  Thankfully I had two great helpers and we managed to have a good time.  Lizzy was in that room too.  We then took both kiddos with us into the service (normally they are in Sunday school all the service).  They really enjoyed the music but got a bit antsy during the message.  However, on a whole it went well and Lizzy is still talking about Easter.  Her prayers recently end with something along the lines of 

"... and thank-you that Jesus died on a cross, was wrapped up like a mummy in toilet paper, was put in a cave, and came alive again on Easter."   

After church we went to our friends' house for a wonderful brunch (thanks Cort!) and the kiddos enjoyed another Easter egg hunt with their friend Isa.  The eggs were hidden all over ~ 1/2 acre and the kiddos had a great time finding them.  Here is an action shot of Sammy (who was really good at finding the eggs!) and an after shot of the sweaty girls in their pretty matching yellow dresses (Isa changed to match Lizzy!)
On Saturday the kiddos and I went to a small parade and Easter Egg hunt at an area church and preschool.  Lizzy's friend Isa was in the parade and then participated in the hunt after the parade.  We had a lot of fun, despite the near 90 degree temps!
It would seem that the construction zone of our new home was welcoming to someone - as there was a lizard living in the house.  It was hanging out on the living room curtain. 

So I wisely used two pool nets to bravely catch it and then lovingly released it outside.

Ok - so the truth is SAMMY suggested I use a net because I was going to use a used starbucks cup...   I then did catch it in the two nets, but I freaked out, screamed, and threw the poor lizard and the net out the front door...  Sammy and I then checked up on the lizard, and it seemed ok as it frantically ran away from us!