While everyone enjoyed the zoo it was a bit hot.  So we made sure to cool off in the shade with a yummy snow cone. 
Sammy REALLY LOVES food!  Here he is eating his puffs (by the handfull) at the train park.
Aunt "Dub" came to town, so of course the first thing Lizzy wants to do is go to the train park.  Oddly enough, this was Deb's first visit to the train park!  Considering Lizzy's fascination with the park, I am not sure how Deb was able to put it off for this long....
Lizzy takes dance class at her daycare.  She really likes it and often shows us her "moves" in the evening.  Once in a while parents are invited to a class to see what the girls are learning.  Here is Lizzy with her classmates.  However, while all the other girls danced, Lizzy was scared of all the parents and she refused to move.  Instead she just stood there like a statue.  Eventually she started crying and ran to mommy and daddy.  She spent most of the class sitting on Daddy's lap.  This is pretty common Lizzy behavior.  She is very talkaltive in situtations and around people she knows, but get her in a starnge enviornment with new people and she clams-up! 
Here are some pictures of the kiddos just playing at home.  Lizzy loves to play with her "buddy" (her name for Sammy).  She will get him toys and then show him the "correct" way to use them - which keeps Sammy entertained. One of Sammy's favorite toys is the activity center.  he loves to press the buttons and hear the "Wiggle Song." At this point Sammy is able to sit very well on his own.  However, he still can only roll from his stomach to his back - not from his back to his stomach.  Therefore he is not very mobile and often will get frustrated due to his limitations.   