Most mornings Lizzy and Sammy like to wake-up slowly by climbing into Mommy and Daddy's bed and watching a cartoon.  This morning there was a lot of cuddling and not so much fighting over the covers and toys.
Gradnma Sharon was ableto make it down here for a VERY HOT weekend to celebrate both kiddo's birthdays.  We had a nice weekend preparing for and throwing a party for the kiddos.  Each one got their own cake - good thing too since Sammy decided to "dig-in!"
Lizzy had a busy 4th birthday.  In the morning we met up with a couple of her friends Isa and Lexi at Pump It Up (an inflatable play-land).  The kiddos had a lot of fun jumping, sliding, bouncing, and running for almost 2 hours.  By the end they were a sweaty, but, happy mess.   She then went to daycare for the afternoon where she broght cupcakes for all her classmates and got to wear a special birthday girl crown all day.  That evening we had a small 4th party for four at home.  For dinner Lizzy chose pancakes made by Daddy (score for Mommy no cooking) and then we had a cake and presents.  Her favorite gift seems to be her Little Mermaid doll, but when we ask her she says "ALL OF IT!" We ar so blessed to have this happy loving girl as our daughter. 