It is no surprise that Lizzy loves pizza based upon her mommy and daddy's tastes...


Lizzy spent all day sunday in the hospital because she was very dehydrated.  She fell friday night and landed on her chin resulting in a few cuts on the inside of her mouth from her bottom teeth.  She did not hit her head and seemed fine (except for the blood...).  However, all day saturday she refused to drink her bottle because it hurt her mouth - she did eat some solid food.  Sunday morning she woke up and promptly threw-up.  We tried to give her water and her bottle, and she threw-up three more times.  So we went to the emergency room ~ 8am.  After some blood work it was found she was very dehydrated.  Therefore, she was admitted and spent the day with an IV.  Luckily she responded well by re-hydrating quickly and keeping down her food.  Therefore,  we were able to take Lizzy home tonight at about 7 pm.  It was a long day filled with worry, IVs, needles, and crying, which thankfuly ended well.  Here is a picture Tim took with his phone after the blood work, before the IV.  Lizzy loves playing with our cell phones, so he was trying to distract her.



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After mommy gets home from work, Lizzy, Brandy (the dog), and mommy like to play in the backyard.


Here Lizzy is a "big girl" and "works" at the computer like her mommy and daddy.


Lizzy loves books.  She constantly climbs into into mommy's or daddy's lap and says "a book!" 


During the week Lizzy loves going over to Patty's during the day because she can spend all day playing with and mimicing Addy.  Here are some pictures Patty took of the two girls.


Lizzy does not waste any time in the morning.  As soon as she is out of the crib it is time to play...


The temperature dropped almost 20 degree in two days!  It went from highs of ~ 100 to ~ 80!  Here Lizzy is enjoying the "cooler" weather in out backyard.