The kiddos school had a fall carnival.  All the proceeds went to Make-A-Wish.  We has a great time playing the games, petting the animals at the petting zoo, getting dolled-up at the make-up bench, eating food, and bidding on prizes. 
Here are just some cute pictures of the kids together.
For Sammy's second birthday we bought him a train table.  While we have spent many hours building train tracks and pushing the trains around, often the table is a surface for other fun projects.  We have cleared it off for the Zhu-zhu pets races, set it up as a "bed", and used it as a base for blocks.  Here are some funny pictures of the kids playing on/with the table.
Sammy "discovered" that the drawers make good seats.  he quickly taught his sister. 
Lizzy and Sammy had a fun time trick or treating tonight.  Lizzy dressed-up as a princess.  This was a last minute change from the Dora outfit she had been planning on for the last 6 months.  Sammy went as a Bears football player.  We went to about 10 houses with just the four of us.  Then we met up with some friends and went to about 10 more houses.  Our group consisted of a princess, a mermaid, a ladybug, a foot ball payer, Woody, and Superman.  The only downer of the evening was when Sammy freaked out when he saw a young boy dressed up as a skeleton.  Sammy started to shake, squeal, and run backwards.  It took a bit to calm him down, but he eventually got over it and confidently walked up to every door.   Both kiddos were decent at saying thank-you, but only actually said "trick-or-treat" a couple times.  However, Lizzy did say that she was going to sing a song that a friend taught her at school...

Trick-or-treat.  Smell my feet.  Give me something good to eat.  If you don't, I don't care, I'll pretend you're underwear....

Um, thankfully she didn't say this to anyone.  Instead she just showed off her boo-boo on her hand and her new nail polish to everyone...