The kindergarten classes at Lizzy's school did a cute Christmas play called the "ABC's of Christmas."  Two or three students would say a letter or two and then they would sing a song.  Lizzy was at the end with "Y, is for kindergartens signing for you!  Z, is for zoom, how we wish the time flew."  She did a great job.  Her mommy, daddy, Mema, and Sunday school teacher Joan came to see her first performance
A special art time with friends at Make Meaning, painting and making candles.
I took and picture of my ~ 400 students taking their final exam.  I could not help myself....  I could only get part of the room in the picture, I guess I need a wide angle lens.
Our church has a winter fest with snow, games, music, animals, photo booth, and much more.  The kiddos hd fun playing in the snow (in AZ!) and took a ride down a sled.
Well, I got my loom out and wover some rugs.  here I am trying to sell them.  Liz came along to keep me company.  
Took this while waiting for a table at Denny's.
Liz and I made this from felt and ribbons.  no hot glue was needed (thankfully, as I am not good with that stuff!), we just used BBQ skewer to stab the felt into the wreath.  Not bad.
Today we got a second dog, Herbie, to keep Haley company.  Haley (the taller dog on the left) is 4 years old and we adopted her from a shelter three years ago.  For the first year and a half she had Brandy (another rescued dog) to keep her company.  However, after Brandy passed away we stayed with just one dog for the last year and a half.  Today I finally caved and we adopted a second dog.  Herbie is 5 years old.  We adopted him from the Humane Society after he previous family had to give him up because they were moving.  So far he and Haley get along very well.  The kiddos love the new dog, and Herbie is very good with them.  I am sure more updates will be be posted shortly!  

Yes - we know they look a lot alike!  Herbie is a bit shorter and stockier than skinny-minny Haley.

The face paint from the party lasted a few days.  Here we are hanging out by the fire with the balloon creations from the birthday party.
Sammy and Lizzy's friends Maddie and Lexi had a birthday party at McDonald Ranch.  The kiddos had a great time riding horses  petting the animals, and getting their faces painted.