The last week has been very odd...

Sunday:  After going to a local PetSmart and seeing dogs up for adoption by the humane society we ended up coming home with a new dog (Haley).  While she seems to adapt well with Brandy and Lizzy, it still was a very eventful and interesting evening.

Monday:  Haley, our new dog, is doing well until about 9 am when all of a sudden she will no longer use her front paw.  When this is still going on at 3 pm we take her to the vet to find out that she is probably playing up a little sprain for attention.  Keep in mind I am 9 months pregnant carting a 50 pound limping dog and a crabby two year old (who refused to nap) around in 100 degrees heat.  They felt so bad for me the vet did not charge me for the pain shot or meds!

Tuesday:  The morning was ok as Lizzy goes with me to my OB-gyn appointment.  We then go to Big Lots where I break a bottle of salsa at the check-out counter.  Then we go to return a pair of shorts at Marshalls where they essentially accuse me of stealing because THEY put the wrong tag on the item.  They tell me I must have switched tags. 

Wednesday:  During the night (Tue to Wed), Lizzy woke-up coughing for about 1 hour.  At that time we realize it is very hot - turns out our AC quit working! So in the morning I am able to get a 7:45 am appointment with Lizzy's doctor who presecribes an antibiotic.  While at the office we see a friend of hers from school/daycare who has the same cough.  During the afternoon the AC guys comes to fix the 3 year old AC unit, so things are starting to be better.... UNTIL my mom calls that her plan needed to make an emergency landing in Omaha NE due to medical issues.  She sends up arriving in AZ about 2 hours late.  When she gets here Lizzy screams in excitement, thereby scaring the new dog Haley.  So Haley spends the rest of the night either growling at my mom or outside. 

Thursday:  The days seems good and relatively normal (except for the dog hating my mom) until Tim calls to say his 1 year old jeep keeps stahling and the check engine light is on... 

Friday:  I take Tim's jeep to the dealership and they tell me the reason it stahled is because Tim ran out of gas.  Huh?  How does that happen when he has 3/8 of a tank?  They reset the light and tell me to come back if it happens again.  Odd - but ok.  My mom and I go shopping while Lizzy is at school and I start to feel sick (most likely I needed food).  So we have to stop shopping!  My last time in who knows how long to shop without kids and I need to stop! 

Saturday:   Lizzy's Aunt Deb arrives from TX.  I did not realize that the entrance to the PHX airport was under construction so we are late and stuck in a detour mess.  :(  Then we drive 20 min to the Costco Home Store (the long way) to find out it is out of business...  What a mess.  We fixed it by going to the mall and things improved from there - the new dog even stopping growling at my mom!   Now Tim is at an award's banquet for work and Lzizy and I are packing up to go to her Mema's and Aunt Deb's condo for a nice evening. 

I now declare this to be the END of the wierd week!  We need a nice day with no weird occurances on Sunday as the baby boy is scheduled to be delivered by C-section at 7:30 am on Mon Sept 28.  I am praying he holds out until Monday so  I can have one day on "quiet".  PLEASE! 
No, it is not what you think....  The baby boy is not here yet - we got a second dog!  It was not planned, but not unplanned.  For a while we have discussed getting a second dog, and this one just seemed "right."  Our first dog, Brandy, is an 8 year old border collie and spaniel mix.  We got her in 2005 from the Humane Society.  She has been a great dog and we love her a lot.  Our new dog is also from the Humane Society - they were set-up in the Pet Smart down the road and this dog was sitting there crying in her cage.  Next thing I know we are driving home a new dog and a cart full of toys, bowls, food, leashes, etc...  She is a an 8 month old Irish Terrier mix (lab perhaps?).  He owner went to Iraq and the rest of his family moved out of the state to be with family.  The dog is used to having babies around, is house broken, and is very mellow (for an 8 months old puppy).  Her name is Xena - not sure we are going to keep it - any suggestions?  Xena and Brandy have hit it off quite well, and already cuddle on the sofa together...