Lizzy and Sammy are best buds (most of the time).  Here are some cute pictures of the two of them playing together.
Holding hands at the train park.
Hanging out in the recliner.
Just playing on the ottomans (Sammmy just HAD to wear Lizzy's boots...)
Goovin' to the music.
Sammy looks like he is ready to take on all the "big kids" at the mall play area!
Lizzy is strapped in and ready to take the jeep for a ride.  Too bad she needs to wait 13 years...
This is one of Lizzy's favorite acitivities - she is the "teacher" and "reads"
 her books and teaches "bible verses" to who ever will listen.  Here Daddy is her "student."
It has been so hot here the past few weeks.  The highs are always over 100, usually closer to 110 degrees!  Also, the humidty has also gone up a bit due it being the "monsoon" season making it even more uncomfortable.  Most people I talk to agree with me that they are ready for it to be over and cooler weather to come.  Everyone that is except Lizzy, who does not seem to mind the heat!  She is always asking to go to the park.  So one morning while it was still "relatively cool" Lizzy and I went to the park with our dog.  Brandy enjoyed sitting in the grass in the shade, and Lizzy enjoyed playing on the jungle gym.

Lizzy enjoys being outside.    We were blessed with a relatively cool June, allowing us to enjoy the backyard most weekend and evenings.  Now the dailiy high is almost 110 degrees and it is still 105 degrees at 7 pm - so mommy has basically quit going outside except for quick bolts to the car, giving Lizzy less time to play.  Above are a few cute pictures of Lizzy relaxing.  Below are a couple shots of Lizzy "helping" her daddy with the backyard renovation.


Lately Lizzy loves to pose for the camera.  Here are a couple cute shots from a recent "photo shoot."


Lizzy still loves her cubbies.  This is her new favorite spot - under the sink in the master bath.  While I get ready for work in the morning, Lizzy will often entertain herself by hiding under the seek, and playing peek-a-boo.  She will shut the door and sit in the dark for many minutes sometimes before popping them open and yelling "boo!"  At this point she does not seem to be scared of the dark!


Lizzy was working up a sweat pushing the baby stroller around the house!  Maybe mommy should follow her example!


On thursday of last week Lizzy and I joined some friends at the Imagination Avenue.  It is a little play town complete with a boutique, hosptial, grocery store, home depot, and more.  Lizzy and her friends had a great time.  Here are a few highlights - including one of Lizzy and me in jail!


Lizzy fell last week while chasing Addy resulting in some rug burn on her nose.  The injury looked a lot worse than it actually was.  The bright red stripe down her nose did not seem to bother Lizzy and she made sure to enjoy herself.  Here are some pictures of Lizzy chowing down on some dip and chips with daddy, playing in her kitchen, and riding her friend Lexi's princess mobile.


On monday grandma took Lizzy to the park.  There Lizzy went down the slide by herself for the first time.  On wed, Pat and Addy too Lizzy back to the park.  There she went down the slide many times and enjoyed "hitting" Addy at the bottom.